Saturday, November 13, 2010

Adventures in Mommyhood

This impish face is so sweet. So super sweet. But sometimes, I'm driven to the very brink of insanity. I'm sure I"m not the only one who has been there. 

You see, this morning started out like any other morning. Then, things just started going downhill.

He pooped all over the place. Somehow, I was scrubbing poop off of my washing machine, his arm, his shirt, my self. Everywhere. And it was just so disgusting. 

Then, I'm trying to get some housework done while Daddy is working. That just wasn't happening. Because of a stuffy nose, my little boy just wanted to be held all morning instead of having independent play. Then, he pooped again. The poor little guy just isn't feeling good. 

But this Mommy had things she needed done! ( I'm very type A I have learned recently. ) So, instead of just accepting this curve ball to my morning, I was beginning to feel the inklings of frustration come on. I mean, my things to do are so important to me. I have a dinner party tonight for about 15 people, and I have to have a pretty house and perfect food. ( I am also learning I don't have to have these things either. Yes, I should strive to present a nice place for people to come. But no one is perfect. )

But I was missing the point.

1 Thessalonians 5:18: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Notice that one word in this verse that always get us. Everything. Not every good thing. Not every nice thing, or fun thing, or exciting thing. Everything. 

In poop; give thanks. In baby sickness; give thanks. In interruptions; give thanks.

It's not going to be the easiest thing you do. It's not the easiest for me to do. It's a constant struggle for me to not complain or have complaining thoughts when things don't go my way. It takes a lot of prayer. A lot. But I just want to encourage everyone to go to Him with your complaining spirit, and ask Him to turn it into one of gratefulness. 

We should be grateful we are blessed with little ones in the first place. Grateful we can spend our time at home with them. Grateful our husbands are out making the money in order for us to do so. Grateful for everything. 

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