Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Family Walk

This week, our family started something a little new. With the seasons changing, and the sun going down much sooner than before, we were missing our evening walks together.

I use our walks for not only excercise, but to enjoy my family and nature. I was going to miss both of those.

Then I had an idea. What if Hubby went into work late, and we got up just a bit earlier? Could it possibly work?

This week it certainly has. With a few kinds mind you. We are still getting used to getting up so early, of course. But we are loving it!

The mornings here are still cool enough to be refreshing, but a jacket is not really required yet. Bubs gets into his stroller, and we go!

Me and Hubby have our most intimate talks on our walks. Maybe it's because Bubs in pre-occupied during this time with the scenery. Or, maybe it's just the refreshing excercise works all the talkin' right out of us! Either way, it's been very helpful for our marriage as well.

If you don't already, I do encourage everyone to take a walk each and every day with their families. The excercise value is amazing, and seeing God's creation is priceless. Even if it's just in your own neighborhood.

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